On a distant planet, a young resident unwittingly becomes entangled in the lives of a werewolf species fleeing an invasion. These werewolves, displaced from their home by a ruthless species, have found a refuge on another planet—where they got help—and yearned to reclaim what was once theirs. Guided by Doctor Crayben, the young boy learns of the werewolves’ plight and soon realizes he’s over his head. His older brother, a seasoned ranger and chief, is pulled into the conflict as they uncover a shared mission: to journey alongside the werewolves.
Witness these werewolves as they confront the powerful invaders threatening their home world and how their alliance from their refuge planet helped them in their mission. Together they take a trip to space and face an epic challenge that will test their courage, unity, and strength of newfound alliances.
Join an unforgettable adventure across the cosmos in Space Trip, the thrilling first issue of Vincent Che-Ming Chin’s futuristic saga! Follow our brave crew as they face unknown threats, and reclaim their homeland Will they survive the journey and protect their planet from the invaders?
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