In the heart-pounding pages of Space Trip, author Vincent Chin takes readers on a journey of suspense, loyalty, and perilous choices. This gripping sci-fi adventure unfolds around Dr. Crayben, a mysterious doctor on the run from both the ruthless Nine Asylum and relentless rangers, with the help of his brave young neighbor.
As tensions rise, the young resident faces a shocking twist when his older brother, James—unaware of their earlier confrontation—shows up at his door.
James, a ranger and chief investigator, advises his brother to stay alert, report suspicious activity, and stay safe. Smiling, the young resident calmly replies to him with a code, “10-4,”—saying message is received—before closing the door.
Realizing the danger has escalated, the young neighbor knows what could happen if Dr. Crayben stays in his apartment any longer. Being reasonable he urges Dr. Crayben to leave immediately and find other safer and hideous place. Where will they go next?
Don’t wait! Get your hands on a copy of Space Trip by Vincent Chin on Amazon and other platforms today.